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PODCAST: Memories of Trinity College Dublin 1930s – 1970s

In 2011 we were commissioned by Trinity College Dublin to compile an oral history collection. 88 people were recorded, many of whom have since passed away. The voices you will hear on this podcast are those of former academic staff, former students and domestic staff.

Joseph Haughton, Fellow Emeritus, Prof. Geography

Leslie Greer, Graduate French and German

Lyndall Luce, widow of Prof. John Luce

Louden Ryan, Fellow Emeritus, Prof. Political Economy

Barbara Wright, Fellow Emeritus, Prof French Literature

David McConnell, Senior Fellow, Prof. Genetics. Former Vice Provost

Geraldine Watts, Graduate English and German. Widow of Former Provost Bill Watts

Donald Weir, Fellow Emeritus, Regius Prof. Physic

Janet Moody, Graduate Modern Languages. Daughter of T.W.Moody, Prof. Modern History

Brian McMurry, Fellow Emeritus, Prof. Organic Chemistry

Susan Parks, Fellow Emeritus, Senior Lecturer Education

Melissa Webb, Chairman Trinity Assoc. and Trust, daughter of Prof. Stanford

Aiden Clarke, Emeritus,Erasmus Smith’s Prof. Modern History. Son of Austin Clarke

Ian Howie, Fellow Emeritus, Assoc. Prof. Zoology. Former Vice Provost.

Rita O’Mahony, former Lady Housekeeper

Valentine Rice, Fellow Emeritus, Higher Education

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