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PODCAST: The Handover of Dublin Castle and its Administration

The Handover of Dublin Castle, and its administration by the British to the newly formed Provisional Government of Ireland on 16th January 1922 marked the most important event in Irish history since the country’s occupation many centuries earlier.

In the podcast may be heard the voices of the following people:

The late Col. Sean Clancy who was born in 1901 in Co. Clare and was present at the historic event.

John Bellingham whose father, Arthur Stuart Bellingham, joined the Royal Artillery Regiment, was gassed in the trenches and was sent back to Ireland to serve on the staff at Dublin Castle from 1917 until the handover in 1922.

The late Michael Finucane, who was born in 1903 in North Kerry, joined the newly-formed Irish Civil Service, and he provides a fascinating first hand account of the transition of Government as events unfolded before, during and after the handover of Dublin Castle.

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