Alan Doran (aged 89)
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Alan Doran (aged 89)


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Alan Doran’s home was built by himself on the slope of a hill overlooking Leighlinbridge. In this first meeting with Alan Doran, he spoke about his early days growing up in the town, the local national school and its teachers, and the background of his ancestors, who came from Old Leighlin. Recorded in great detail are the events which took place here in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries including eviction and landlordism. The conversation then focused on his father’s work with the maltsters, and later in a pub and grocery business in the town. In this recording the many characters of the town are mentioned, and Alan recites a poem about these people.

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Audio series:

Carlow county, first series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

72.97 MB

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A sense of place (Part 1)

Recorded by:

Maurice O'Keeffe