Eileen Graham (b. 1939); Margaret Curtis Clayton (b. 1941); Catherine Moroney (b. 1947); Sadie Allen (b. 1940); Monica Curtis (b. 1950)
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Eileen Graham (b. 1939); Margaret Curtis Clayton (b. 1941); Catherine Moroney (b. 1947); Sadie Allen (b. 1940); Monica Curtis (b. 1950)


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This recording was compiled at the Cork School of Music, with the daughters of Bernard Curtis, (1909–1995). Dr Curtis was a former Director of the School of Music at 13 Union Quay, a position to which he was appointed in 1936. His daughters remember him with great fondness and recall his career in this recording. His favourite instruments were the piano and the organ, which he played in Holy Trinity Church for many years. He had a long and distinguished career, and overcame many challenges along the way. He will be best remembered for many developments in the School of Music including his introduction and support of the Suzuki Method of teaching and for his great enthusiasm for education and for music.

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Audio series:

Cork Institute of Technology


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

47.20 MB

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Bernard Curtis remembered

Recorded by:

Tom Rigney