James Lydon, b. 1928
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James Lydon, b. 1928


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Track 1: His background in Galway city and his educational experiences. His scholarship to University College Galway where he was awarded an MA before moving to London for PhD studies, which focused on the Irish contribution to medieval warfare. Continuing his studies in Europe and his informal meeting with the Pope. Track 2: Securing a junior lecturer post in History, taught through Irish at Galway University. Track 3: Lecturer in Medieval History at Trinity College Dublin; his residency on campus, adjusting easily to college life, and his deep commitment to his work, which somewhat restricted his social life! Track 4: His memories of meeting with Archbishop McQuaid for the purpose of rescinding the ban on Roman Catholic students attending Trinity. Track 5: Recalling his teaching life and interaction with students. His move from rooms in college to a cottage in Wicklow. Track 6: Memories of the History Department and his efforts in tutorials to transmit his passion for medieval history to the many students who studied his subject.

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Audio series:

Trinity College, Dublin, Collection



Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

10.21 MB, 1.40 MB, 5.85 MB, 6.00 MB, 13.55 MB, 18.91 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



Fellow Emeritus, Lecky Professor of History

Recorded by:

Maurice O'Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore