Lady Frances Carter (b. 1943) and Mr Paul Carter (b. 1940)
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Lady Frances Carter (b. 1943) and Mr Paul Carter (b. 1940)


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Track 1: Lady Frances Carter, nee Bernard, recalls her first visit to Bandon when she was thirteen years old. Her family background and her early childhood in England are also discussed. Track 2: Anecdotes about her father, Lord Bandon, are recounted. Paul Carter recalls a story about Lord Bandon’s brother Peter. Track 3: Lady Frances Carter recalls her childhood with her late sister in England, and the realisation that her inheritance was in Bandon. Track 4: Her mother, Betty Playfair, is recalled, and the strength of character she displayed following her divorce from Lord Bandon. Track 5: Lord Bandon’s service in the Royal Air Force during World War II is recalled. Track 6: Paul Carter remembers his initial visit to Castle Bernard to ask Lord Bandon’s permission to marry his daughter. Lady Frances Carter also recalls her mother’s visit to Bandon following Lord Bandon’s death. Track 7: The burning of the castle in 1922, and the previous Lord Bandon’s disillusionment and disappointment at having to leave Ireland, as he wrote in his letters which exist from that time. Track 8: The estate as it now stands is described by Paul and Lady Frances Carter. Track 9: The family portraits which once hung in Castle Bernard are discussed. Track 10: The dwindling of the family inheritance during the 20th century is discussed. Track 11: Lady Frances Carter recounts a celebratory event held at Castle Bernard during one of her childhood visits.

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Audio series:

Great Houses of Cork and Kerry, first series


128 kbps

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48 hours

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2.53 MB, 3.82 MB, 3.41 MB, 3.85 MB, 4.97 MB, 6.56 MB, 5.97 MB, 12.96 MB, 3.31 MB, 7.18 MB, 5.00 MB

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Castle Bernard, Bandon, Co Cork

Recorded by: