Máirín Hughes

Máirín Hughes


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Interviewee: Máirín Hughes
Date of Birth: 1914
Interview Location: Maryfield Nursing Home, Chapelizod, Dublin
Recorded by: Maurice O’Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore
Series Title: Heritage Collection 2023
Date Recorded: 8/2/22 (Part 1) and 22/2/22 (Part 2)
Recording Length: 1 hour 6 mins (Part 1) and 1 hour 20 mins (Part 2)

Keywords (Part 1): 1930s pathology Department UCC. Professors at UCC 1930s; rural Ireland 1920s; Civil Service reform; Killarney town 1918/1928; pension officer in 1920s in Killarney; establishment of Free State; Celtic Revival – personal experience; Spanish Flu; Irish Air Corps flypast 1932 Eucharistic Congress; visiting Blasket Islands 1920s/30s; learning Irish from Peig Sayers; member of the Gaelic League 1910s/1920s.

Keywords (Part 2): Education I Ireland in the 1920s; studying science and chemistry UCC 1930s; Air raid warden during the Emergency; teaching at VEC, Ballyfermot, Dublin 1940s/50s; recalling transport in Kerry 1920s; Irish language in the new Irish State; Irish emigrant teacher London 1900s; Gaelic League London 1910/1916 – inherited memories; the secret to a long life.

Additional information

Audio series:

Heritage Collection 2023

Date Recorded

22/2/22, 8/2/22


1 hour 20 mins, 1 hour 6 mins

Location of Recording

Chapelizod, Dublin

Product ID:


Number of files: