Peter Gatenby, b. 1923 (Recording I)
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Peter Gatenby, b. 1923 (Recording I)


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Track 1: Background in Dublin and early educationTrack 2: Early memories of Trinity College as a child, visiting with his father, James Gatenby, who was Professor of Zoology at that time. Track 3: Undergraduate days as a medical student. Track 4: The Emergency period in Trinity College. Joining the LSF and his experiencesTrack 5: Memories of his mother, who was a member of the Dublin Dramatic Society, which rehearsed at the College. His graduation in 1946 and his marriage. Track 6: Appointment as Clinical Tutor at Trinity College, working at Dr Steevens Hospial. Track 7: The widespread incidence of tuberculosis in Ireland in earlier days.

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Audio series:

Trinity College, Dublin, Collection



Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

18.41 MB, 6.91 MB, 10.03 MB, 7.46 MB, 4.49 MB, 20.24 MB, 7.65 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



Fellow Emeritus, Regius Professor of Physic

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore