Salters Sterling, b. 1937 (Recording II)
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Salters Sterling, b. 1937 (Recording II)


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Track 1: Managing the challenges posed by the introduction of the Central Applications Office. His role in negotiating the relationship between the City of Dublin Vocational Colleges and Trinity, the outcome of which was the right of Trinity College to award degrees to Dublin Institute of Technology graduates (detailed in an interview with Salters Sterling in the Irish Life and Lore DIT Oral History Collection). Track 2: His role as Academic Secretary, with reporting relationships to the Provost, the Registrar and the Secretary of Trinity. Track 3: Appointed by Trinity authorities to negotiate the affiliation of the Church of Ireland Theological College with Trinity. Track 4: Nominated in 1999 by the Board of Trinity College and appointed by the Minister for Health as Trinity representative to oversee the building of Tallaght Hospital, which involved the amalgamation of the Meath, the Adelaide and the National Children’s Hospitals. Track 5: The development of the relationship between the Irish School of Ecumenists and Trinity College.

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Audio series:

Trinity College, Dublin, Collection



Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

3.99 MB, 10.79 MB, 9.99 MB, 19.10 MB, 11.03 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



Academic Secretary

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore