Sir Charles Colthurst (b. 1955)
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Sir Charles Colthurst (b. 1955)


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Track 1: The Colthurst family have been in Ireland since the 16th century and their earliest connections with Blarney Castle are discussed by Sir Charles Colthurst. Track 2: The tunnel beneath the castle is discussed. Track 3: Memories of his grandparents and the inheritance are provided. Sir Charles is the 10th Baronet. Track 4: Sir Charles’ father Richard is recalled, as is his half sister Mary Phyllis Hilliard and the financial challenges she faced. Track 5: Sir Charles Colthurst inherited Blarney Castle in 2003, and he discusses his earlier arrival in 1977 from England and his subsequent work in building it up as a tourist destination. Track 6: The Blarney Stone and its origins. Track 7: His views on the later plantations in Ireland, and his strong interest in history are discussed. Track 8: The survival of some of the great houses, in particular Blarney Castle, is explained by Sir Charles Colthurst. Track 9: The Blarney Estate, its houses and demesne is discussed. Track 10: The future of Blarney Estate and Sir Charles Colthurst’s hopes and aspirations for its future are discussed.

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Audio series:

Great Houses of Cork and Kerry, first series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

4.09 MB, 2.00 MB, 3.30 MB, 3.80 MB, 4.75 MB, 2.94 MB, 4.14 MB, 5.38 MB, 7.12 MB

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Product ID:



Blarney Castle, Blarney, Co Cork

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