Stella Barry (née Nagle) (b. 1918), former teacher, Department of Home Economics
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Stella Barry (née Nagle) (b. 1918), former teacher, Department of Home Economics


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Stella Barry, who is now in her 91st year, recalls her earliest memories of the Troubles in Ireland, during which her own father was tragically shot dead. Following this disaster her mother reared six children on her own. Stella recalls her schooling at St Angela’s College on St Patricks Hill, and later at Sion Hill in Dublin where she qualified as a Domestic Economy teacher in 1938. She recalls at length her ten years teaching in the Crawford, where her subjects were cookery and laundry. She remembers the equipment at the time – there were no electrical appliances – and the basic cooking was brought home by the students. In addition, she describes the night classes which she taught in the School of Commerce and gives a great account of the Principal at the Crawford, Mr King and Mr Daly, CEO of the VEC who ran the Department, and the wonderful Christmas parties held there. Her love for her teaching career is vividly evident throughout this recording.

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Audio series:

Cork Institute of Technology


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

35.89 MB

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Product ID:



Memories from the first quarter of the twentieth century

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe