Brian was reared in North Yorkshire and joined the British Army in 1974. He served two terms in Northern Ireland with the 9th/12thLancers, and was transferred to the UDR in 1977. He married and settled in Lisnaskea in 1976. He describes some of his army experiences in Co. Armagh, explaining that he and his colleagues were well equipped due to their training and the intelligence available to them. He describes the circumstances which prevailed as “a game of wits” and maintains that their presence alone acted as a deterrent and possibly prevented loss of life. He recalls an occasion when he was on duty with a colleague in the act of cratering a concession road when the IRA fired from a nearby hill, narrowly missing his colleague whose life he saved. He explains that the IRA always had an escape route in place before any engagement. He discusses his duties with the UDR while manning a permanent checkpoint at Middletown PVCP and describes his personal and family life in Lisnaskea, which was marked by the vital routine of checking for explosive devices. He continued to serve in Fermanagh until March 2007.
This collection, carried out by Irish Life and Lore on behalf of Cavan County Library Service, is funded by the EU Special EU Programmes Body Peace IV fund under the objective to build positive relations with people from different backgrounds and communities to support peace and reconciliation.
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