Cillian Rogers
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Cillian Rogers


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Cillian Rogers is from Dromore West. He was born in Ballymote in 1954. He remembers his father’s shop where everything was sold and he remembers his grandfather having the first generator and car in the area. Cillian discusses in great detail the Famine and the workhouses locally. One workhouse in particular, where this recording took place is described in detail. He discusses its history and the stories surrounding it and also recalls the stories about people dying in the workhouse and being given pauper’s funerals. He recalls a time when everyone was self-sufficient. He was always doing a bit of drawing and designing at school where it wasn’t really appreciated. He recalls going to the National College of Art and Design in Dublin in 1972 and describes seeing a whole new world opening up there. He talks about some of the work he has done, including a statue of two men talking, in an age where everyone had time for each other and a black pig piece he has created. Cillian discusses Irish folklore, which fascinates him and has inspired his pieces. He has also taught sculpture and really enjoys teaching.

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Audio series:

Sligo Heritage Collection, First Series


160 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

22.02 MB, 30.81 MB, 9.37 MB, 17.12 MB, 12.14 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



An Artist

Recorded by:

Joe McGowan