Dick Corr (b. 1942)
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Dick Corr (b. 1942)


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Dick Corr lives on the edge of ‘the Continent’ in a cottage which has stood there for over 200 years. All of Dick’s maternal ancestors lived here, the Power, Kelly and Ronayne families. Dick’s father came from Cuffesgrange and he and his wife reared a large family. Dick recalls his mother Bridie milking twelve cows and bringing the milk on a pony and car down a long, narrow boreen to the main road, and thence to the creamery. She would also churn butter, using an elaborate mechanism powered by a pony walking a circular path. She never left the area, living all her life taking care of her nine children and her smallholding. Dick, who did not marry, took care of his mother in her elder years.

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Audio series:

Kilkenny (Clara parish), third series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

9.65 MB, 4.86 MB, 20.66 MB, 5.58 MB, 8.86 MB

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Product ID:



A farming life

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe