Donal McSweeney (b. 1931) (part 1)
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Donal McSweeney (b. 1931) (part 1)


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Donal McSweeney is widely respected as a wonderful local historian, who in June 2009 was acknowledged by President Mary McAleese for his very worthy contribution to the archive of Irish local placenames. In this recording he reiterates the vital importance of the oral tradition in the preservation of local customs and practices. He discusses the strong association of place names with early pagan gods and goddesses and Christian saints. He recounts some local legends, followed by local stories about cattle fairs at Ballyvourney on the twenty-third of each month and market days on Wednesdays.

Additional information



Audio series:

Cork county, first series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

28.31 MB, 19.46 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



A renowned local historian

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe