Eileen Quinn (b. 1931)
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Eileen Quinn (b. 1931)


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Track 1: This track contains an outline of the background of the Ashe family of Kinard, Co. Kerry, and of her father, Gregory Ashe’s childhood there. His emigration to America at the age of 17 is mentioned where he was to learn of the death of his brother, Tomás. Track 2: The tradition of teaching in the Ashe family, and Tomás Ashe’s love of music, particularly pipe-playing, and of the Irish language and culture, are discussed. Eileen Quinn recalls being present on the occasion of the burial of Peadar Kearney (who wrote the National Anthem), for which the grave of Tomás Ashe was opened. Track 3: The roles Gregory Ashe played in the War of Independence and the Civil War, following his return from America, are recalled. He lived with his sister, Nora Ashe, in Dublin during the War of Independence, where he met his future wife, Bríd Clare. The funeral of Tomás Ashe, in September 1917 in Dublin, is described by Eileen Quinn, as the details were related to her by her mother, Bríd, who was in attendance. Track 4: A discussion follows on the battle of Ashbourne. Eileen Quinn recalls being told of an invitation issued by Tomás Ashe to Roger Casement to come to Corduff School where Ashe taught, to discuss his adventures in Africa. A description is given of the way in which Gregory Ashe, while a member of the local IRA Brigade, saved Burnham House in Dingle from burning during the Civil War. The reasons why the Ashe family moved from Kinard on the Dingle Peninusla, to Straffan, Co. Kildare, are explored. Track 5: The meeting of Gregory Ashe with Ernie O’Malley, during which the latter recorded the former on his activities during the 1916-1923 period, is recalled. Eileen Quinn’s regret at the sale of family memorabilia some years ago is described, as is her pride in retaining family correspondence between her father, Gregory Ashe, and his brother Tomás and other family members. Track 6: Excerpts are read from a letter written by Gregory Ashe to his sister, Nora, dated 3 November 1917, following the death of their brother Tomás.

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Audio series:

The 1916 Rising Oral History Collections


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

10.69 MB, 6.67 MB, 9.68 MB, 7.78 MB, 9.37 MB, 3.94 MB

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Product ID:



Ashe, Tomás (Interviewee’s uncle)

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore