Jennifer Butler (b. 1954)
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Jennifer Butler (b. 1954)


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Track 1: Jennifer Butler recalls her father, Edward Theobald Butler, and his family background. Holidays in Waterville House, the home of her grandparents until 1963 are also recalled. Track 2: Jennifer Butler’s grandfather, Major James Butler, who fought in both World Wars is remembered. Track 3: The time of great change when Waterville House was passed over entailed to Jennifer Butler’s uncle James Butler. An earlier family split is discussed, when one member of the Butler clan went to reside at Belville House in Portmagee. Track 4: Jennifer Butler recalls her grandfather, Major James Butler’s strict personality and the regimented way of life at Waterville House in his day. Track 5: The salmon fishing industry, which was built up by the Butler family, is discussed. Track 6: The strong Protestant tradition upheld by the Butler family during the 19th century. Track 7: Jennifer Butler’s strong emotional connection with Waterville and Derrynane is discussed. Track 8: The mementos inherited by Jennifer Butler from her grandparents at Waterville House are described. She also talks about her present home in Tipperary. Track 9: Jennifer Butler discusses her Kerry cousins.

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Audio series:

Great Houses of Cork and Kerry, first series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

4.00 MB, 2.70 MB, 5.65 MB, 3.55 MB, 2.44 MB, 6.11 MB, 5.93 MB, 3.48 MB, 6.06 MB

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Product ID:



The Waterville House, Waterville, Co Kerry

Recorded by:

Maurice O'Keeffe