John Calnan (b. 1939), former lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Physics
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John Calnan (b. 1939), former lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Physics


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John Calnan recalls his early education, and his great interest in mathematics and science from a very early age. He graduated with a Science degree from UCC and began his teaching career at Kevin Street Dublin. Two years later he was appointed to the Crawford as a teacher of mathematics, where he ran a course for recruits nominated by the Office for Public Works especially for engineering technicians. He had been involved in the design of the course from the outset. He discusses at length the vocational educational system, and the improvement in the educational ability of students over the years. He also taught in every department in the RTC, and later CIT. He discusses the improvement in the educational ability of the students over the years. He recalls the economic depression in Ireland in the late 1980s and early 1990s during which time the job prospects for students in the Marine Department became more uncertain and he also describes the subsequent upturn in their career prospects.

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Audio series:

Cork Institute of Technology


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

66.76 MB

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An overview of education in the CMTI, and the new RTC

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe