Mary Kelly (b. 1917)
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Mary Kelly (b. 1917)


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Mary Kelly (née Clare), grew up in Sandyford, and at the age of fourteen she left school to begin work for a company who manufactured car seats in Grange. She later took employment at a laundry, where she remained for eight years. She moved to Liverpool and married her late husband, Des Kelly, there during the war years. She clearly describes conditions in Liverpool in those dark days. The couple returned to Dublin during the 1950s and settled at Pearse Park. The great community spirit which existed there in those days was very much evident as Mary describes her life there. There were many challenges in her life, and she worked very hard to rear her family.

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Audio series:

Dublin county (south), second series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

9.60 MB, 22.93 MB, 9.76 MB, 6.49 MB, 12.49 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



A life of courage

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe