Maureen O’Sullivan (b. 1930)
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Maureen O’Sullivan (b. 1930)


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Track 1. Maureen O’Sullivan recalls her parents’ background; her mother, Molly Kennedy, was brought up by her grandparents in Annascaul village. In 1910, Molly went to London where worked as a housekeeper and she joined the Gaelic League there. In 1916 she left for New York and was involved with fund raising there for the Irish cause. Maureen’s father was Marcus O’Sullivan who grew up in Firies and emigrated to America, where he became involved with the movement there and acted as secretary to Diarmuid Lynch. Marcus’s acquaintance with John Devoy is mentioned. Maureen’s parents were married in 1917 in America and she tells of her mother’s visits to Annascaul during the Troubles. Track 2. After the Treaty her parents supported Michael Collins. Maureen explains that her father’s letters were destroyed in a fire in Cork, and she talks about her feeling that her father should have stayed in America. His involvement with the Gaelic America newspaper while he was there is described. Track 3. Her parents move back to Cork is mentioned, where Marcus took on the position of director of the Lonsdale Company. They lived on Victoria Road and Maureen explains that her two uncles, John and Joe, worked in the Central Packing Company. She recalls the decline of country butter when the Co-Ops were established and she recalls her visits to Firies with her parents.

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Audio series:

Kerry county, seventh series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

12.13 MB, 16.77 MB, 10.69 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



1916 Rising

Recorded by:

Maurice O'Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore