Stanley Laing, Age 78, Terenure
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Stanley Laing, Age 78, Terenure


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Stanley Laing is a former South Dublin County Councillor who retired in January 2008. He is originally from Ballyconnell, County Cavan, and spent most of his youth in Mullingar, where he was brought up by his aunt and uncle. He began his working life in the paint retail business, later becoming a paint technical salesperson with Berger Paints. He describes the forty-five years of his life in politics, thirty of which were spent in local government.

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Audio series:

Dublin county (south), first series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

45.64 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



A Life in Local Government

Recorded by:

Maurice O'Keeffe