Alfie Boyle (b. 1942)
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Alfie Boyle (b. 1942)


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Track 1: Alfie Boyle explains that he was born in Castlemaine and was educated in Midleton College in Co. Cork. On his return to Kerry he joined his brother Victor Boyle in the construction of a housing scheme for Kerry County Council in the late 1950s. The formation of the Boyle Brothers Construction company with his two brothers, Arthur and Victor, and his own work on accounts for the company is discussed. Their father, Richard Boyle, who ran the hardware business, handed it over to his six sons and the company subsequently formed was Richard Boyle and Sons Ltd. From then onwards, the brothers would meet each Thursday evening to discuss business matters. Track 2: The decision to purchase land at Manor West in Tralee in 1998 and to build a shopping centre there is recalled, and he explains that he had previously envisaged building the centre at McCowen’s yard in Edward Street, opposite the site on which Boyles had already build a block of apartments. He recalls his initial meeting with Richard Roche of Roches Stores and successfully selling to him the idea of the shopping centre at Manor West. Decisions on the employment of architects, his dealings with Tralee Urban District Council, the oral hearing with An Bord Pleanála and working to attract businesses to the shopping centre are subjects recalled. Track 3: The turning of the sod at Manor West on 29th February 2000 is remembered, as is the opening of the shopping centre there on 23rd October 2001 and the tenants in the early days. The awards won by Manor West Shopping Centre, the new link to the Tralee by-pass and the development of other units at the centre are mentioned. Track 4: He discusses the 2004 decision by the Boyle brothers to form their own separate companies and he names these companies. He talks about the next generation of his family to become involved in the business, and he explains that his success in business has not resulted in any great changes in his lifestyle.

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Audio series:

Reflections on the Urban District of Tralee Collection


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

10.70 MB, 8.93 MB, 9.62 MB, 9.99 MB

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Product ID:



The Boyle family in business

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore