Eileen Doyle, née Sprague (b. 1907)
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Eileen Doyle, née Sprague (b. 1907)


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Track 1: Eileen Doyle recalls growing up in Charles Street, Dublin, where she was raised by her grandmother. She remembers the week of the 1916 Rising, including the looting, the food shortages, and the unusual activity around Mountjoy Jail. She also describes the terrifying experiences in Dublin caused by the Black and Tans in Dublin, including the events of Bloody Sunday. She recalls the candlelit vigil outside Mountjoy Jail on the night preceding Kevin Barry’s execution. Later, during the Civil War years she remembers hearing stories about informers. Track 2: Eileen recalls the time when three local businessmen were shot in Summerhill – Mr Barnett, Mr Duggan and Mr Colley. She also describes the events of Bloody Sunday in Croke Park. Track 3: Memories of her schooldays and the street games the children played are provided and fondly remembered is Cooney’s sweetshop in Emmet Street, favourite of all local children. She calls to mind Matt Talbot, with whom she had a long acquaintance both before and after his involvement in the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association. Track 4: Eileen explains that her grandfather, with whom she lived, drilled the local Volunteers which included Kevin Barry. Track 5: She describes street life in earlier days in her area of Dublin, including the routine of the ‘gaslight man’ and the coalman. She also recalls her days employed in Switzers, and being invited to their family home in Dundrum. She vividly describes the exuberance of the traders on Moore Street, and the women who worked as stallholders there in former times.

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Audio series:

Witnesses to Independence


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

56.06 MB

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A witness to events in 1916

Recorded by:

Eddie Barrett (grand-nephew of Austin Stack)