Fr John McCarthy, MSC
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Fr John McCarthy, MSC


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Track 1: Growing up in Killfinnan, Co. Limerick, in the 1940s and 50s. His education and joining the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. His first appointment to Venezuela in 1960, and assignment to Tachira. Track 2: He talks about learning the language and orientation. The history and political background of the country. He describes the terrain of the parish in the Andes, its vastness and transport on horseback. Track 3: Assignment to different areas, spending six yeas in Maracaibo, working with the native Indian tribes in a squatters’ camp. Track 4: His time building churches and educational centres. Track 5: His assignment to Caracas, the capital, in 1984 for 13 years, working in the slums. He also discusses his appointment to Rome for four years as Development Officer, returning to Ireland in 2006.

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Audio series:

IMU Missionary Stories Project


160 kbps

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48 hours

File size(s):

9.09 MB, 4.76 MB, 18.05 MB, 9.69 MB, 4.36 MB, 22.25 MB

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Product ID:



A Missionary in Venezuela for 33 years

Recorded by:

Maurice O'Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore