Frank Clark (aged 73)
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Frank Clark (aged 73)


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On a visit to St Mullins, I met local historian Frank Clark, who has written many accounts of the parish. In this recording Frank provides an overview of the folklore relating to St Moling, and to the Pattern Day, which falls on the 25th July (St James’ Day), when many people still gather to commemorate the local saint. Many stories about the MacMurrough Kavanaghs, the local chieftains, were related as we walked through the graveyard, where burials have taken place for over 1300 years. Frank also talks about his own experiences in the milling industry, initially in Tipperary and later in the local mill, where he became manager in 1961. Frank’s experiences there create a picture of the rural milling business and its importance in the area at the time. He went on to explain the reasons for its decline, and the eventual closure of the mill.

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Audio series:

Carlow county, first series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

44.18 MB

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Product ID:



The customs of the Parish of St Mullins

Recorded by:

Maurice O'Keeffe