Roy Kells (b. 1936)

Roy Kells (b. 1936)


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Roy Kells grew up in the premises in Lisnaskea which housed the family ladies’ and men’s fashions business known as S.D. Kells Ltd, which has been in existence for 91 years. He recalls the violence in the town during the Troubles, explaining that it was one of the most bombed towns in Co. Fermanagh. The S.D. Kells business premises was destroyed on three occasions by bombing, and Roy describes how they coped with this devastating situation. Also recalled is a time when the local Catholic population was prevented from entering his business premises. His life was threatened on numerous occasions, including an incident when he was confronted by a gunman who attempted to shoot him at close range. He explains his belief that it was his faith which saved him. He became a member of the UDR on a part time basis, serving for 22 years, and he describes his duties during that time. The Enniskillen bombing is recalled, as is the fact that his daughter Catherine was in close proximity to the scene on that terrible day.

This collection, carried out by Irish Life and Lore on behalf of Cavan County Library Service, is funded by the EU Special EU Programmes Body Peace IV fund under the objective to build positive relations with people from different backgrounds and communities to support peace and reconciliation.

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Additional information



Audio series:

Voices of the Troubles

Download time limit:

48 hours

Number of files:


Recorded by:

Maurice O'Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore

Product ID:


Date Recorded




File size(s):

41.00 MB