Susan Parkes, b. 1936
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Susan Parkes, b. 1936


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Track 1: Background in Terenure, Dublin, early education, and her introduction to History. Track 2: Entry to Trinity College to study History in 1954, the female students there at that time, and the rules and regulations which applied to them. Graduation in 1958. Track 3: Her return to Trinity in 1966, to work in the School of Education. The Lecky Library at Trinity and its benefits, and the building of the new Library. Track 4: Post-graduate year in Cambridge, having first spent some years teaching in Armagh. Track 5: The strong student movement in Trinity College at the end of the 1960s. The School of Education at that time. Recalling Professor Valentine Rice, who returned to the College from Harvard as Head of Department. Track 6: The proposed amalgamation of Trinity College and UCD, and the rescinding of the ban on Catholic students at Trinity. Track 7: The changes which took place in Irish education during her academic career. Track 8: Recollections of the electric typewriter and the overhead projector. Track 9: The cutbacks during the 1980s and their effects on the Department. The secularisation of schools. Track 10: Her involvement in the Access Project in the 1990s. Her published material. The women in education whom she admired.

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Audio series:

Trinity College, Dublin, Collection



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48 hours

File size(s):

20.10 MB, 19.30 MB, 19.95 MB, 10.28 MB, 9.71 MB, 8.96 MB

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Fellow Emeritus, Senior Lecturer in Education

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore