Craufurd Mahony (b. 1922)
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Craufurd Mahony (b. 1922)


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Track 1: Craufurd and Sheila Mahony are now retired and living in Kinsale. Craufurd describes Shana Lodge in Blarney, where he grew up in the 1920s and 1930s. His passion for tennis and his family’s long connection with the sport. Track 2: The game of tennis is discussed. Track 3: The Mahonys of Dromore Castle, Kenmare. The Woollen Mills in Blarney, and his ancestors who worked there. Track 4: Joining the firm at the age of seventeen following his education, and working there until 1969. Track 5: Craufurd joined the Irish Guards in 1942 and he describes his wartime experiences. A discussion on his father and his uncles who fought in the First World War. Track 6: His memories of the Woollen Mill business down through the years and the staff members. His father’s passion for hunting. Track 7: An explanation of his position as Head of Sales during the difficult decades of the 1950s and the 1960s. His business associates, including the textile company, Salt’s in Tullamore. Track 8: The reasons why the business was sold in 1969, and the closing of its doors in 1972. Track 9: A discussion on the village of Blarney, Craufurd’s marriage to Sheila Lemon, and his great interest in the Muskerry Hounds.

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Audio series:

Great Houses of Ireland, second series


160 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

3.36 MB, 6.01 MB, 4.94 MB, 8.51 MB, 16.98 MB, 3.63 MB, 3.59 MB, 30.23 MB

Number of files:


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Blarney Woollen Mills, Blarney, Co. Cork

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe – Irish Life and Lore